Year of Estd:
School Type: CBSC schools
Address: Ghoshgarh Pataudi NH 8,Bhorn Kalan Road
Phone: +911242018326


Universal Public School is a unit of Universal Education Society, which was Registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860 at SI. No 10910 on 10.4.1980.The registration of the society is valid permanently. NOC No. is F 18 (17) /81.LSN(Inst.). It was issued on date 18.04.1984. Status of affilation of school was provisional and affilation No is 2730153 . Affilation with board has been since 1989 and the same is extended upto March 2018. Universal Public School boasts of 2000 students with a sprawling campus of over 2 acres (8093.8 sq. mts.) with the built up area 4450 sq. mts., located in Preet Vihar.It has a huge playground spreading over the area of 3896 sq. mts. The school is from Nursery to Class XII and there is seperate wing for Pre primary (Nursery and Prep). The medium of instruction is English.

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