Year of Estd:
School Type: Playway Playschools
Address: Chanakyapuri,2, Nyaya Marg
Chanakyapuri -110021
Phone: +911141680240


The DSND is one of more than 140 overseas German schools recognised by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the states in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) and hence authorised to award German school leaving certificates. DSND students can take the final secondary and middle school examinations as well as the German International Abitur Examination. The Bund Länder Committee for School Education Abroad (BLASchA) is responsible for the academic supervision of schools world wide. Whereas financial, personnel and organisational support is provided by the Central Office for the Overseas School System (ZfA) on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office.

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